Brief Summary


  1. Principal investigator(s): P. Munoz-Luengo, J. Navarro-Ortiz
    Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, PID2022-137329OB-C43, 09/2023-08/2026, 225.000 euros
    "EnablIng Native-AI Secure deterministic 6G networks for hyPer-connected envIRonmEnts (6G-INSPIRE)", P. Munoz-Luengo, J. Navarro-Ortiz, 2026
    @researchproject{6ginspire, code={PID2022-137329OB-C43}, title={EnablIng Native-AI Secure deterministic 6G networks for hyPer-connected envIRonmEnts (6G-INSPIRE)}, org={Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation}, type={national}, author={P. Munoz-Luengo and J. Navarro-Ortiz}, year=2026, month=8, date1={09/2023}, date2={08/2026}, funding={225.000 euros}, url0="http://wimunet.ugr.es/projects/6ginspire.php", logo="http://wimunet.ugr.es/assets/img/research/projects/ministerio_ciencia_innovacion.jpg", note="ongoing"}

    This national project (PID2022-137329OB-C43) is titled "EnablIng Native-AI Secure deterministic 6G networks for hyPer-connected envIRonmEnts" (6G-INSPIRE). It started in September 2023 and it will end in August 2026. This is a coordinated project with UPC, UC3M and UPV/EHU.


    The promotion of innovation, research, and development of 6G technology and standard will consolidate Spain as a leading country at the forefront in the development of new digital infrastructures. To successfully guide the 6G research to meet the needs of 2030, the main goal of this 6G-INSPIRE subproject is to propose, analyze, and validate a set of techniques, tools, and architectures that offer solutions to some of the open issues posed by future private and hyper-connected 6G networks. Specifically, we envisage a scenario where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will play an important role as an enabler of 6G technology by optimizing the networks, and time synchronization will be a vital capability for satisfying hard latency constraints of real-time applications, including e-health, and telecare, beyond industry 4.0, and many other. The integration of the cellular network with Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) is seen as an effective solution for enabling end-to-end (E2E) deterministic communications. However, it requires high accuracy of time synchronization and tight coordination among network domains. 6G-INSPIRE will study and experimentally evaluate solutions that can contribute to achieve accurate time synchronization. In an integrated TSN-6G network, an efficient traffic flow management is also required to map TSN traffic to 6G QoS flows. This subproject will systematically study novel mechanisms to map QoS characteristics between TSN and 6G. The provision of deterministic latency in E2E scenarios may also require adaptations to the functions and tools that are used in Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) environments, where virtualized services are typically executed on less expensive, generic servers, but at the expense of reducing performance. This subproject will study such adaptations needed for NFV. In addition, integrating multiple wireless access technologies, i.e., multi-connectivity, may be useful to achieve stringent data rate, latency, reliability, and/or coverage requirements. This subproject will focus on traffic steering strategies over a multi-technology wireless access network (e.g., B5G/6G and Wi-Fi 6). Traffic aggregation technologies at the network layer will be considered to support the multiconnectivity framework. With the assistance of AI/ML techniques, 6G-INSPIRE will introduce the native AI concept in the private TSN-6G networks. This subproject will develop an AI-powered platform that assists the network to guarantee end-to-end delay-bounded traffic requirements. Besides, a set of AI algorithms for effective scheduling and QoS provision of TSN-6G flows and multi-connectivity solutions will be designed and evaluated. For the proper operation of these algorithms, the AI-powered platform will be responsible for orchestrating the lifecycle of the AI-related functions (e.g., data gathering, training, resource allocation, and AI/ML model selection). To validate the proposed solutions, 6G-INSPIRE will develop a demonstrator that will be integrated with other partners testbeds. It will focus on the deployment of TSN within the private 6G network, the synchronization between both technologies, including a prototype of a multi-connectivity solution using several access technologies such as 5G and Wi-Fi 6, and the implementation of an AI-powered platform that enables the optimization of the network operation.


Related ongoing Ph.D. thesis

  1. Multi-connectivity solutions for 5G/6G networks
    Felix Delgado-Ferro (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz and Juan M. Lopez-Soler)
    "Multi-connectivity solutions for 5G/6G networks", Felix Delgado-Ferro, University of Granada
      author      = {Felix Delgado-Ferro},
      director    = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz and Juan M. Lopez-Soler},
      title       = {Multi-connectivity solutions for 5G/6G networks},
      institution = {University of Granada},
      type        = {phdthesis},
      project     = {5gclarity|true5g|artemis|premonition|6gchronos|6ginspire},
      note        = "ongoing"

  2. Optimization and orchestration of LoRaWAN networks
    Natalia Chinchilla-Romero (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz)
    "Optimization and orchestration of LoRaWAN networks", Natalia Chinchilla-Romero, University of Granada
      author      = {Natalia Chinchilla-Romero},
      director    = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz},
      title       = {Optimization and orchestration of LoRaWAN networks},
      institution = {University of Granada},
      type        = {phdthesis},
      project     = {5gclarity|true5g|artemis|premonition|6gchronos|6ginspire},
      note        = "ongoing"

  3. AI-assisted management of 5G private networks
    Lorena Chinchilla-Romero (directed by Pablo Ameigeiras and Pablo Munoz)
    "AI-assisted management of 5G private networks", Lorena Chinchilla-Romero, University of Granada
      author      = {Lorena Chinchilla-Romero},
      director    = {Pablo Ameigeiras and Pablo Munoz},
      title       = {AI-assisted management of 5G private networks},
      institution = {University of Granada},
      type        = {phdthesis},
      project     = {5gclarity|true5g|6gchronos|6ginspire},
      note        = "ongoing"

Related B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis

  1. Configuration and performance assessment of 4G/5G networks
    Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering)
    Javier Jimenez-Gonzalez (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Felix Delgado-Ferro)
    Defended on 7 2023.
    "Configuration and performance assessment of 4G/5G networks", Javier Jimenez-Gonzalez, 2023
      author       = {Javier Jimenez-Gonzalez},
      director     = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Felix Delgado-Ferro},
      title        = {Configuration and performance assessment of 4G/5G networks},
      school       = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
      type         = {Bachelor thesis},
      degree       = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = 7,
      pdf          = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2023_TFG_JavierJimenezGonzalez.pdf},
      note         = {Co-directed with Felix Delgado-Ferro.},
      project      = {6gchronos|true5g|6ginspire}

  2. Synchonization on 5G networks: end-device
    Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering)
    Angel Gomez-Hurtado (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Lorena Chinchilla Romero)
    Defended on 7 2023.
    "Synchonization on 5G networks: end-device", Angel Gomez-Hurtado, 2023
      author       = {Angel Gomez-Hurtado},
      director     = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Lorena Chinchilla Romero},
      title        = {Synchonization on 5G networks: end-device},
      school       = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
      type         = {Bachelor thesis},
      degree       = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = 7,
      pdf          = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2023_TFG_AngelGomezHurtado.pdf},
      note         = {Co-directed with Lorena Chinchilla-Romero. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark.},
      project      = {6gchronos|true5g|6ginspire}

  3. Configuration and usage of MPTCP in mobile devices
    Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering)
    Alejandra Oliver-Boada (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Felix Delgado-Ferro)
    Defended on 7 2023.
    "Configuration and usage of MPTCP in mobile devices", Alejandra Oliver-Boada, 2023
      author       = {Alejandra Oliver-Boada},
      director     = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Felix Delgado-Ferro},
      title        = {Configuration and usage of MPTCP in mobile devices},
      school       = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
      type         = {Bachelor thesis},
      degree       = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = 7,
      pdf          = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2023_TFG_AlejandraOliverBoada.pdf},
      note         = {Co-directed with Felix Delgado-Ferro. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark.},
      project      = {6gchronos|true5g|6ginspire}




  1. Computationally Efficient UE Blocking Probability Model for GBR Services in Beyond 5G RAN
    Oscar Adamuz-Hinojosa, Pablo Ameigeiras, Pablo Munoz, Juan M. Lopez-Soler
    IEEE Access, pp. 1-1, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3377112. (IF=3.9, Q2)
    "Computationally Efficient UE Blocking Probability Model for GBR Services in Beyond 5G RAN", Oscar Adamuz-Hinojosa, Pablo Ameigeiras, Pablo Munoz, Juan M. Lopez-Soler, IEEE Access, pp. 1-1, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3377112
      author={Adamuz-Hinojosa, Oscar and Ameigeiras, Pablo and Munoz, Pablo and Lopez-Soler, Juan M.},
      journal={IEEE Access}, 
      title={Computationally Efficient UE Blocking Probability Model for GBR Services in Beyond 5G RAN}, 
      keywords={Signal to noise ratio;Computational modeling;Interference;Data models;Probability;Planning;Mathematical models;Beyond 5G;Blocking probability;GBR service;Markov Chain;Proportional Fair;Round Robin},
      impact = {(IF=3.9, Q2)},
      project = {6gchronos|6ginspire}}

Conferences & Workshops

  1. ORANUS: Latency-tailored Orchestration via Stochastic Network Calculus in 6G O-RAN
    Oscar Adamuz-Hinojosa, Lanfranco Zanzi, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Andres Garcia-Saavedra, Xavier Costa-Perez
    IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2024.
    "ORANUS: Latency-tailored Orchestration via Stochastic Network Calculus in 6G O-RAN", Oscar Adamuz-Hinojosa, Lanfranco Zanzi, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Andres Garcia-Saavedra, Xavier Costa-Perez, "IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)", 2024
          title={ORANUS: Latency-tailored Orchestration via Stochastic Network Calculus in 6G O-RAN}, 
          author={Oscar Adamuz-Hinojosa and Lanfranco Zanzi and Vincenzo Sciancalepore and Andres Garcia-Saavedra and Xavier Costa-Perez},
          booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)},
          address={Vancouver, Canada},
          COMMENTdoi = {xxx},

  2. Reduccion de la latencia en redes 5G-NR
    Felix Delgado-Ferro, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Natalia Chinchilla-Romero, Juan Manuel Lopez-Soler
    XVI Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica (JITEL 2023), November 2023.
    "Reduccion de la latencia en redes 5G-NR", Felix Delgado-Ferro, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Natalia Chinchilla-Romero, Juan Manuel Lopez-Soler, "XVI Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica (JITEL 2023)", 2023
       author       = {Delgado-Ferro, Felix and Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge and Chinchilla-Romero, Natalia and Lopez-Soler, Juan Manuel},
       title        = {Reduccion de la latencia en redes 5G-NR},
       booktitle    = {XVI Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica (JITEL 2023)},
       year         = {2023},
       month        = {November},
       address      = {Barcelona, Spain},
       COMMENTdoi   = {xxx},
       project      = {true5g|6gchronos|6ginspire},
       url          = {https://jitel2023.salleurl.edu/libro-actas}