Brief Summary


  1. Principal investigator(s): J. Navarro-Ortiz
    Andalusian Knowledge Agency (part of The Regional Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment), A-TIC-241-UGR18, 01/2020-06/2022, 32.125 euros
    "Architecture for IoT networks oriented to environmental sustainability (ARTEMIS)", J. Navarro-Ortiz, 2022
    @researchproject{artemis, code={A-TIC-241-UGR18}, title={Architecture for IoT networks oriented to environmental sustainability (ARTEMIS)}, org={Andalusian Knowledge Agency (part of The Regional Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment)}, type={regional}, author={J. Navarro-Ortiz}, year=2022, month=6, date1={01/2020}, date2={06/2022}, funding={32.125 euros}, url0="", logo=""}

    This regional project (A-TIC-241-UGR18) is titled "Architecture for IoT networks oriented to environmental sustainability" (ARTEMIS). It started in January 2020 and it ended in June 2022.


    This project is focused on the design of a network architecture that allows to collect environmental data from rural (e.g. natural spaces, agricultural and aquaculture farms) and urban (e.g. smart cities) scenarios.
    The proposed network architecture is composed of several parts. On the one hand, an LPWAN access network, suitable for mMTC applications. More precisely, we will employ LoRaWAN due to its low-power and large-coverage characteristics. On the other hand, the radio access network and LoRaWAN servers will be communicated over an SDN network. Finally, LoRaWAN servers will be implemented as virtual network functions following the NFV paradigm.
    The different solutions developed during this project will be implemented in our LoRaWAN testbed.

Testbeds and repositories

IoT network architecture repository

    Implementation for our LoRaWAN-based IoT network architecture using MQTT over multicast through an SDN network used in the paper "A LoRaWAN Network Architecture with MQTT2MULTICAST". Available here. The following picture summarizes the proposed architecture.

    IoT network architecture
    The following picture presents our proof-of-concept for the proposed network architecture.
    Proof of Concept

Collision Avoidance Resource Allocation repository for LoRaWAN devices

    Micropython code for Pycom's FiPy, to implement the device's part for the paper "Collision Avoidance Resource Allocation for LoRaWAN". Available here. The following picture presents the testbed used to improve the LoRaWAN network capacity.

    C.A.R.A. testbed

A contention mechanism to allow multimedia transmission over LoRa

    Micropython code for Pycom's FiPy, to implement a contention mechanism in order to increase the data rate and thus being able to send images over LoRa. In this testbed, a sender takes a picture from a camera and from an SD card and sends it over LoRa to a receiver, which in turn sends it over Wi-Fi to a streaming server. This allows to send low-resolution images or low-quality videos over LoRa devices, which may be useful in many situations. Current tests show that an image of 10KB can be sent in around 4-6 seconds without contention and around 10-12 seconds with contention. The repository with the code will be made available here once this work is published. The following picture presents the testbed. You can check how the testbed works on the following videos, using contention here and without contention here.

    LoRa testbed to send images fast and with contention mechanism

Other repositories

    Other repositories related to the project, to create a LoRaWAN network and to control different types of LoRaWAN nodes:

  1. LoRaWAN network using Pycom gateway (PyGate) and ChirpStack platform or The Things Networks: repository

  2. TTGO T-Beam Tracker for The Things Network: repository

  3. LoRaWAN node TTGO LoRa32, using ABP (activation by personalization): repository

  4. LilyGO T-HiGrow-LoRa-Shield TTN & Cayenne: repository

  5. LilyGO HiGrow using Wi-Fi: repository

Dissemination activities

Special Issue "5G and Low Power Wide Area Networks for the IoT"

We are looking for original contributions on topics related to 5G and LPWAN technologies applied to the Internet of Things for the Special Issue of Electronics (Q2) "5G and Low Power Wide Area Networks for the IoT". More information here. The deadline for manuscript submissions is 31 Jan. 2022.

SI "Automation and Learning in MEC and Cloud Systems"

We are looking for original contributions on topics related to advances in the development, testing, practical implementations, and modeling of smart ecosystems for 5G and beyond, formed by a set of new procedures, algorithms, technologies, and mathematical tools for advanced system configuration and automation that leads to the zero-touch paradigm. More information here. Deadline is 15 Nov. 2021.


Related ongoing Ph.D. thesis

  1. Multi-connectivity solutions for 5G/6G networks
    Felix Delgado-Ferro (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz and Juan M. Lopez-Soler)
    "Multi-connectivity solutions for 5G/6G networks", Felix Delgado-Ferro, University of Granada
      author      = {Felix Delgado-Ferro},
      director    = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz and Juan M. Lopez-Soler},
      title       = {Multi-connectivity solutions for 5G/6G networks},
      institution = {University of Granada},
      type        = {phdthesis},
      project     = {5gclarity|true5g|artemis|premonition|6gchronos|6ginspire},
      note        = "ongoing"

  2. Optimization and orchestration of LoRaWAN networks
    Natalia Chinchilla-Romero (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz)
    "Optimization and orchestration of LoRaWAN networks", Natalia Chinchilla-Romero, University of Granada
      author      = {Natalia Chinchilla-Romero},
      director    = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz},
      title       = {Optimization and orchestration of LoRaWAN networks},
      institution = {University of Granada},
      type        = {phdthesis},
      project     = {5gclarity|true5g|artemis|premonition|6gchronos|6ginspire},
      note        = "ongoing"

Related B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis

  1. Network slicing for the radio access network in LoRaWAN
    Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering)
    Martin Torres-Antunez (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz)
    Defended on July 2022.
    "Network slicing for the radio access network in LoRaWAN", Martin Torres-Antunez, 2022
      author       = {Martin Torres-Antunez},
      director     = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz},
      title        = {Network slicing for the radio access network in LoRaWAN},
      school       = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
      type         = {Bachelor thesis},
      degree       = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = July,
      project      = {artemis|premonition},
      pdf          = {}

  2. MQTT optimization for LoRaWAN networks
    Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering)
    Ricardo Cortes-Nunez (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz)
    Defended on Sept. 2021.
    "MQTT optimization for LoRaWAN networks", Ricardo Cortes-Nunez, 2021
      author       = {Ricardo Cortes-Nunez},
      director     = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz},
      title        = {MQTT optimization for LoRaWAN networks},
      school       = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
      type         = {Bachelor thesis},
      degree       = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = Sept.,
      project      = {artemis|premonition},
      pdf          = {}

  3. Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for LoRaWAN devices
    M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering)
    Pablo Roas-Domingo (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz)
    Defended on Sept. 2021.
    "Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for LoRaWAN devices", Pablo Roas-Domingo, 2021
      author       = {Pablo Roas-Domingo},
      director     = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz},
      title        = {Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for LoRaWAN devices},
      school       = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
      type         = {M.Sc. thesis},
      degree       = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = Sept.,
      project      = {artemis|premonition},
      pdf          = {}

  4. Improving LoRaWAN networks performance
    M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering)
    Natalia Chinchilla-Romero (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz)
    Defended on July 2021.
    "Improving LoRaWAN networks performance", Natalia Chinchilla-Romero, 2021
      author       = {Natalia Chinchilla-Romero},
      director     = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz},
      title        = {Improving LoRaWAN networks performance},
      school       = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
      type         = {M.Sc. thesis},
      degree       = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = July,
      project      = {artemis|premonition},
      pdf          = {}

  5. System to interconnect members of an emergency team in scenarios without coverage
    Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering)
    Felix Delgado-Ferro (directed by Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz)
    Defended on July 2020.
    "System to interconnect members of an emergency team in scenarios without coverage", Felix Delgado-Ferro, 2020
      author       = {Felix Delgado-Ferro},
      director     = {Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz},
      title        = {System to interconnect members of an emergency team in scenarios without coverage},
      school       = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
      type         = {Bachelor thesis},
      degree       = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = July,
      project      = {true5g|artemis},
      pdf          = {},
      note         = {Co-directed with J.J. Ramos-Munoz. This thesis obtained the maximum possible mark and was granted the first position in the 8th edition of the B.Sc. Thesis Awards of the Dpt. Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications of the University of Granada in the category of Telematics Engineering. In addition, it was granted the second position (“accesit”) in the Ingenio Awards 2020 from the Andalusian Official Association of B.Sc. Telecommunications Engineers.}



  1. A LoRaWAN Architecture for Communications in Areas without Coverage: Design and Pilot Trials
    Felix Delgado-Ferro, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Natalia Chinchilla-Romero, Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz
    Electronics, 11 (5), 2022, DOI: 10.3390/electronics11050804. (IF=2.9, Q2)
    "A LoRaWAN Architecture for Communications in Areas without Coverage: Design and Pilot Trials", Felix Delgado-Ferro, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Natalia Chinchilla-Romero, Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz, Electronics, 11 (5), 2022. DOI: 10.3390/electronics11050804
    This article proposes a system based on a long-distance communications system with low economic and energy costs that allows connectivity to be carried out independently from the existing cellular coverage in the area. In addition, it describes the design, development, implementation and analysis of an Internet of Things (IoT) architecture based on Long-Range Wide-Area Network (LoRaWAN). Moreover, the system has been deployed as a prototype, and the behavior and scope of the system have been analyzed in various real environments: urban, rural and natural. The results obtained from the analysis show that the system is suitable for working in areas without coverage such as mountains.
    AUTHOR = {Delgado-Ferro, Felix and Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge and Chinchilla-Romero, Natalia and Ramos-Munoz, Juan Jose},
    TITLE = {A LoRaWAN Architecture for Communications in Areas without Coverage: Design and Pilot Trials},
    JOURNAL = {Electronics},
    VOLUME = {11},
    YEAR = {2022},
    NUMBER = {5},
    ARTICLE-NUMBER = {804},
    URL = {},
    ISSN = {2079-9292},
    ABSTRACT = {This article proposes a system based on a long-distance communications system with low economic and energy costs that allows connectivity to be carried out independently from the existing cellular coverage in the area. In addition, it describes the design, development, implementation and analysis of an Internet of Things (IoT) architecture based on Long-Range Wide-Area Network (LoRaWAN). Moreover, the system has been deployed as a prototype, and the behavior and scope of the system have been analyzed in various real environments: urban, rural and natural. The results obtained from the analysis show that the system is suitable for working in areas without coverage such as mountains.},
    DOI = {10.3390/electronics11050804},
    impact = {(IF=2.9, Q2)},
    project = {6gchronos|true5g|artemis|premonition}

  2. A LoRaWAN Network Architecture with MQTT2MULTICAST
    Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Natalia Chinchilla-Romero, Felix Delgado-Ferro, Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz
    Electronics, 11 (6), 2022, DOI: 10.3390/electronics11060872. (IF=2.9, Q2)
    "A LoRaWAN Network Architecture with MQTT2MULTICAST", Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Natalia Chinchilla-Romero, Felix Delgado-Ferro, Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz, Electronics, 11 (6), 2022. DOI: 10.3390/electronics11060872
    In this work, an architecture for IoT networks oriented towards environmental sustainability is presented. Due to the suitability of its characteristics in terms of coverage, power and support of a large number of devices, an enhanced LoRaWAN network has been chosen as the basis for this proposal. The architecture is completed with the virtualization of the different LoRaWAN network entities and the usage of a software-defined network for their interconnection. The publication and subscription to environmental data is carried out by using the MQTT protocol. MQTT has been optimized thanks to the use of the SDN network and the use of edge computing resources, which allows multicasting of published data. Thanks to our developed MQTT2MULTICAST protocol, latency is improved by approx. 90% and the traffic load within the SDN network is reduced by 55%. An scalability analysis shows that this solution is able to support tens of thousands of LoRaWAN gateways. The proposed architecture has been implemented using commercial equipment as a proof of concept.
    AUTHOR = {Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge and Chinchilla-Romero, Natalia and Delgado-Ferro, Felix and Ramos-Munoz, Juan Jose},
    TITLE = {A LoRaWAN Network Architecture with MQTT2MULTICAST},
    JOURNAL = {Electronics},
    VOLUME = {11},
    YEAR = {2022},
    NUMBER = {6},
    ARTICLE-NUMBER = {872},
    URL = {},
    ISSN = {2079-9292},
    ABSTRACT = {In this work, an architecture for IoT networks oriented towards environmental sustainability is presented. Due to the suitability of its characteristics in terms of coverage, power and support of a large number of devices, an enhanced LoRaWAN network has been chosen as the basis for this proposal. The architecture is completed with the virtualization of the different LoRaWAN network entities and the usage of a software-defined network for their interconnection. The publication and subscription to environmental data is carried out by using the MQTT protocol. MQTT has been optimized thanks to the use of the SDN network and the use of edge computing resources, which allows multicasting of published data. Thanks to our developed MQTT2MULTICAST protocol, latency is improved by approx. 90% and the traffic load within the SDN network is reduced by 55%. An scalability analysis shows that this solution is able to support tens of thousands of LoRaWAN gateways. The proposed architecture has been implemented using commercial equipment as a proof of concept.},
    DOI = {10.3390/electronics11060872},
    impact = {(IF=2.9, Q2)},
    project = {6gchronos|true5g|artemis|premonition}

  3. Collision Avoidance Resource Allocation for LoRaWAN
    Natalia Chinchilla-Romero, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Pablo Munoz, Pablo Ameigeiras
    Sensors, 21 (4), 2 2021, DOI: 10.3390/s21041218. (IF=3.576, Q2)
    "Collision Avoidance Resource Allocation for LoRaWAN", Natalia Chinchilla-Romero, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Pablo Munoz, Pablo Ameigeiras, Sensors, 21 (4), 2021. DOI: 10.3390/s21041218
    The number of connected IoT devices is significantly increasing and it is expected to reach more than two dozens of billions of IoT connections in the coming years. Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) have become very relevant for this new paradigm due to features such as large coverage and low power consumption. One of the most appealing technologies among these networks is LoRaWAN. Although it may be considered as one of the most mature LPWAN platforms, there are still open gaps such as its capacity limitations. For this reason, this work proposes a collision avoidance resource allocation algorithm named the Collision Avoidance Resource Allocation (CARA) algorithm with the objective of significantly increase system capacity. CARA leverages the multichannel structure and the orthogonality of spreading factors in LoRaWAN networks to avoid collisions among devices. Simulation results show that, assuming ideal radio link conditions, our proposal outperforms in 95.2% the capacity of a standard LoRaWAN network and increases the capacity by almost 40% assuming a realistic propagation model. In addition, it has been verified that CARA devices can coexist with LoRaWAN traditional devices, thus allowing the simultaneous transmissions of both types of devices. Moreover, a proof-of-concept has been implemented using commercial equipment in order to check the feasibility and the correct operation of our solution.
    AUTHOR = {Chinchilla-Romero, Natalia and Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge and Munoz, Pablo and Ameigeiras, Pablo},
    TITLE = {Collision Avoidance Resource Allocation for {LoRaWAN}},
    JOURNAL = {Sensors},
    VOLUME = {21},
    YEAR = {2021},
    NUMBER = {4},
    ARTICLE-NUMBER = {1218},
    ISSN = {1424-8220},
    ABSTRACT = {The number of connected IoT devices is significantly increasing and it is expected to reach more than two dozens of billions of IoT connections in the coming years. Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) have become very relevant for this new paradigm due to features such as large coverage and low power consumption. One of the most appealing technologies among these networks is {LoRaWAN}. Although it may be considered as one of the most mature LPWAN platforms, there are still open gaps such as its capacity limitations. For this reason, this work proposes a collision avoidance resource allocation algorithm named the Collision Avoidance Resource Allocation (CARA) algorithm with the objective of significantly increase system capacity. CARA leverages the multichannel structure and the orthogonality of spreading factors in {LoRaWAN} networks to avoid collisions among devices. Simulation results show that, assuming ideal radio link conditions, our proposal outperforms in 95.2% the capacity of a standard {LoRaWAN} network and increases the capacity by almost 40% assuming a realistic propagation model. In addition, it has been verified that CARA devices can coexist with {LoRaWAN} traditional devices, thus allowing the simultaneous transmissions of both types of devices. Moreover, a proof-of-concept has been implemented using commercial equipment in order to check the feasibility and the correct operation of our solution.},
    DOI = {10.3390/s21041218},
    impact = {(IF=3.576, Q2)},
    pdf = {},
    project = {artemis|5gcity|5gclarity}

  4. A Survey on 5G Usage Scenarios and Traffic Models
    J. Navarro-Ortiz, P. Romero-Diaz, S. Sendra, P. Ameigeiras, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, J. M. Lopez-Soler
    IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, 22 (2), pp. 905-929, 2 2020, DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2020.2971781. (IF=23.7, Q1)
    "A Survey on 5G Usage Scenarios and Traffic Models", J. Navarro-Ortiz, P. Romero-Diaz, S. Sendra, P. Ameigeiras, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, J. M. Lopez-Soler, IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, 22 (2), pp. 905-929, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2020.2971781
    @Article{8985528,  author={J. {Navarro-Ortiz} and P. {Romero-Diaz} and S. {Sendra} and P. {Ameigeiras} and J. J. {Ramos-Munoz} and J. M. {Lopez-Soler}},  journal={{IEEE} Communications Surveys Tutorials}, title={A Survey on 5G Usage Scenarios and Traffic Models}, year={2020}, month=2, volume={22}, number={2}, pages={905-929}, doi={10.1109/COMST.2020.2971781}, project="artemis|5gclarity|5gcity", impact = {(IF=23.7, Q1)}, pdf={}}

  5. Radio Access Network Slicing Strategies at Spectrum Planning Level in 5G and Beyond
    P. Munoz, O. Adamuz-Hinojosa, J. Navarro-Ortiz, O. Sallent, J. Perez-Romero
    IEEE Access, 8, pp. 79604-79618, 4 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2990802. (IF=3.745, Q1)
    "Radio Access Network Slicing Strategies at Spectrum Planning Level in 5G and Beyond", P. Munoz, O. Adamuz-Hinojosa, J. Navarro-Ortiz, O. Sallent, J. Perez-Romero, IEEE Access, 8, pp. 79604-79618, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2990802
    @Article{9079548,  author={P. {Munoz} and O. {Adamuz-Hinojosa} and J. {Navarro-Ortiz} and O. {Sallent} and J. {Perez-Romero}},  journal={{IEEE} Access},   title={Radio Access Network Slicing Strategies at Spectrum Planning Level in 5G and Beyond}, year={2020}, month=4,  volume={8},  number={},  pages={79604-79618},  doi={10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2990802}, project="5gclarity|artemis", impact = {(IF=3.745, Q1)}}

Conferences & Workshops

  1. WiMuNet's research lines
    J. Navarro-Ortiz, N. Chinchilla-Romero, L. Chinchilla-Romero, J. Prados-Garzon, F. Delgado-Ferro, P. Ameigeiras, P. Munoz-Luengo, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, J. M. Lopez-Soler
    VI Workshop on QoE, QoS on Multimedia Communications (QQCM'21), 2021.
    "WiMuNet's research lines", J. Navarro-Ortiz, N. Chinchilla-Romero, L. Chinchilla-Romero, J. Prados-Garzon, F. Delgado-Ferro, P. Ameigeiras, P. Munoz-Luengo, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, J. M. Lopez-Soler, "VI Workshop on QoE, QoS on Multimedia Communications (QQCM'21)", ISBN 9788409311248, 2021
    @Inproceedings{jnavarroqqcm21, author={J. {Navarro-Ortiz} and N. {Chinchilla-Romero} and L. {Chinchilla-Romero} and J. {Prados-Garzon} and F. {Delgado-Ferro} and P. {Ameigeiras} and P. {Munoz-Luengo} and J. J. {Ramos-Munoz} and J. M. {Lopez-Soler}}, booktitle={VI Workshop on QoE, QoS on Multimedia Communications (QQCM'21)}, isbn={9788409311248}, title={WiMuNet's research lines}, year={2021}, url={}, project={5gclarity|true5g|artemis}}

  2. Arquitectura para redes IoT orientada a la sostenibilidad medioambiental (IoT network architecture for environmental sustainability)
    J. Navarro-Ortiz, N. Chinchilla-Romero, F. Delgado-Ferro, J.J. Ramos-Munoz
    XV Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica (JITEL 2021), 2021.
    "Arquitectura para redes IoT orientada a la sostenibilidad medioambiental (IoT network architecture for environmental sustainability)", J. Navarro-Ortiz, N. Chinchilla-Romero, F. Delgado-Ferro, J.J. Ramos-Munoz, "XV Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica (JITEL 2021)", 2021
    @INPROCEEDINGS{jnavarro_jitel21,  author={J. {Navarro-Ortiz} and N. {Chinchilla-Romero} and F. {Delgado-Ferro} and J.J. {Ramos-Munoz}},  booktitle={XV Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica (JITEL 2021)}, title={Arquitectura para redes IoT orientada a la sostenibilidad medioambiental (IoT network architecture for environmental sustainability)}, year={2021}, project = {5gclarity|true5g|artemis}, pdf={}}

  3. Arquitectura LoRaWAN para entornos sin cobertura (LoRaWAN network architecture for environments without coverage)
    F. Delgado-Ferro, J. Navarro-Ortiz, N. Chinchilla-Romero, J.J. Ramos-Munoz
    XV Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica (JITEL 2021), 2021.
    "Arquitectura LoRaWAN para entornos sin cobertura (LoRaWAN network architecture for environments without coverage)", F. Delgado-Ferro, J. Navarro-Ortiz, N. Chinchilla-Romero, J.J. Ramos-Munoz, "XV Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica (JITEL 2021)", 2021
    @INPROCEEDINGS{fdelgado_jitel21b,  author={F. {Delgado-Ferro} and J. {Navarro-Ortiz} and N. {Chinchilla-Romero} and J.J. {Ramos-Munoz}},  booktitle={XV Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica (JITEL 2021)}, title={Arquitectura LoRaWAN para entornos sin cobertura (LoRaWAN network architecture for environments without coverage)}, year={2021}, project = {true5g|artemis}, pdf={}}

  4. Sharing gNB components in RAN slicing: A perspective from 3GPP/NFV standards
    O. Adamuz-Hinojosa, P. Munoz, P. Ameigeiras, J. M. Lopez-Soler
    2019 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), pp. 1-7, October 2019, DOI: 10.1109/CSCN.2019.8931318.
    "Sharing gNB components in RAN slicing: A perspective from 3GPP/NFV standards", O. Adamuz-Hinojosa, P. Munoz, P. Ameigeiras, J. M. Lopez-Soler, "2019 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN)", pp. 1-7, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/CSCN.2019.8931318
    To implement the next Generation NodeBs (gNBs) that are present in every Radio Access Network (RAN) slice subnet, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) enables the deployment of some of the gNB components as Virtual Networks Functions (VNFs). Deploying individual VNF instances for these components could guarantee the customization of each RAN slice subnet. However, due to the multiplicity of VNFs, the required amount of virtual resources will be greater compared to the case where a single VNF instance carries the aggregated traffic of all the RAN slice subnets. Sharing gNB components between RAN slice subnets could optimize the trade-off between customization, isolation and resource utilization. In this article, we shed light on the key aspects in the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)/NFV standards for sharing gNB components. First, we identify four possible scenarios for sharing gNB components. Then, we analyze the impact of sharing on the customization level of each RAN slice subnet. Later, we determine the main factors that enable isolation between RAN slice subnets. Finally, we propose a 3GPP/NFV-based description model to define the lifecycle management of shared gNB components.
    @INPROCEEDINGS{8931318,  author={O. {Adamuz-Hinojosa} and P. {Munoz} and P. {Ameigeiras} and J. M. {Lopez-Soler}},  booktitle={2019 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN)},   title={Sharing gNB components in RAN slicing: A perspective from 3GPP/NFV standards},   year={2019},  volume={},  number={},  pages={1-7},  abstract={To implement the next Generation NodeBs (gNBs) that are present in every Radio Access Network (RAN) slice subnet, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) enables the deployment of some of the gNB components as Virtual Networks Functions (VNFs). Deploying individual VNF instances for these components could guarantee the customization of each RAN slice subnet. However, due to the multiplicity of VNFs, the required amount of virtual resources will be greater compared to the case where a single VNF instance carries the aggregated traffic of all the RAN slice subnets. Sharing gNB components between RAN slice subnets could optimize the trade-off between customization, isolation and resource utilization. In this article, we shed light on the key aspects in the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)/NFV standards for sharing gNB components. First, we identify four possible scenarios for sharing gNB components. Then, we analyze the impact of sharing on the customization level of each RAN slice subnet. Later, we determine the main factors that enable isolation between RAN slice subnets. Finally, we propose a 3GPP/NFV-based description model to define the lifecycle management of shared gNB components.},  keywords={3GPP;Computer architecture;Ultra reliable low latency communication;Protocols;Next generation networking;Network function virtualization;3GPP;NFV;RAN slicing;sharing gNB components;description model},  doi={10.1109/CSCN.2019.8931318},  ISSN={2644-3252},  month={October}, project={5gcity|artemis}, pdf={}

Photo Gallery

Natalia presenting our paper about the ARTEMIS architecture at JITEL'21

Felix presenting our paper about our architecture for environments without coverage using LoRaWAN at JITEL'21